Well, folks the holidays are behind us and a brand new year is ahead! Brad and I have definitely enjoyed our Christmas vacation this year, but I am exhausted! After spending Christmas Day in Arab with my family, we headed South to Mobile to spend time with the Tew's.

And, look who was waiting on us! Walker and Kathryn kept us constantly entertained. Don't they look cute in their pj's? (I apologize for the less than stellar pics. With two year olds, you take what you can get!)

After we opened gifts we treated ourselves to peppermint ice cream in dark chocolate cups. Can you tell sugar is Walker's favorite food?
Then of course, here is Kathryn eating her dessert like such a big girl. I think she could possibly be the cleanest two year old there ever was. She loves to wash her hands and use her napkin!
Can you believe that Snow White even made a visit? Aren't we lucky?
Brad and I spent New Year's Eve with our friends Bradford & Anna and Nate & Maggie. We had a blast playing Taboo, Apples to Apples and Wii. Some how we have to find a way to get together more than once a year! We miss you guys!

That's a wrap! May your new year be filled with joy and blessings!