Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Long Drive and a Bit of Advice
In other news, I would like to share a bit of advice on how to speak and interact with pregnant women...
1. It is ALWAYS inappropriate to make negative comments about a pregnant woman's size. For example:
Woman in Sam's: "When are you due?"
Me: I smile and say, "February 10."
Woman in Sam's: With shocked expression, " Really?! That far away?!"
You might as well just call me fat to my face.
2. NEVER pat, rub or touch a stranger's belly bump...NEVER...I know, this is a tough one. Resist the urge. For example:
Woman in Wal-Mart Customer Service Line (young woman with three, unruly snot-nose kids): Woman turns to me in line and says, "OH, is it a boy or a girl???!!!!" She then proceeds to grab my belly with both hands and doesn't let go.
side note: remember this is a complete stranger
Me: With shocked, wide eyes I say, "Girl."
Woman in Wal-Mart Customer Service Line: While still man-handling my baby bump, "OH, don't you just LOVE being pregnant??!!"
Me: Still shocked and expressionless I say, "Yes, I am excited."
Woman in Wal-Mart Customer Service Line: Says to unruly, snot-nose children, "Do ya'll remember when Mommy was pregnant??!! Do ya'll want to feel the baby??!!"
Her children take their dirty little hands and start rubbing and patting my belly. At this point, I am dumbfounded and very anxious. I begin scanning the check-out lines for security. In my mind, I am screaming, "STOP!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!"
The whole occurrence, eerily reminded me of a recent Private Practice episode were a crazy woman cuts one of the main character's baby out of her belly and kidnaps the baby.
To recap, it is NEVER acceptable to touch a stranger's belly bump.
Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009
Icing on the Cookie

Meet Katie and Shelby Adams, proud owners of Birmingham's newest sweet shop Icing on the Cookie. Over the past year, I've had the pleasure of working with Katie at UAB and I am thrilled that her business endeavour is off the ground and running!

I promise these cookies taste as good as they look! Each cookie is large - over a half inch thick with buttery, almond goodness.
Be sure to check out their website. They even take online orders and ship anywhere in the country! If you don't see a design you like, chances are they can make exactly what you want. Icing on the Cookie offers hundreds of cookie designs to choose from. Plus, new designs will be added to the website in coming weeks.
If you don't need a custom order and just want an afternoon sweet treat, stop by their new bake shop and choose a seasonal cookie out of the case:)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Home Again
I can assure you there isn't a random block of brown paint on our front porch - just covering up our address. I'm sure you understand!
Brad and I finally made it back to North Carolina! We left 80 degree temps in Alabama and 40-50 degree temps greeted us in NC. We've been home for a couple of days now, but I haven't had anything interesting to post:) The most excitement that we have had this week has been caused by this little guy.

Friday, October 9, 2009
What the Chiweenie?

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Happy Fall Ya'll

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Nursery Diaries - Part One
First things first, Baby Tew and I are doing great! I am 22 weeks now and feeling much better these days. She is growing like a weed – 9 inches long, 14 ounces and her current size puts her in the 75 percentile. We haven’t named her yet, but we are working on it! Deciding on a name is much more difficult that I had anticipated.

I took this pic in my sister's room at my parent's house. Purple is her favorite color:)
A few weeks ago, Kala (she hasn’t updated her blog in ages) invited me to go with her to market in Atlanta. I had planned to put a dent in my Christmas shopping, but instead I scored lots of swag for the little girl’s nursery.
My first purchase was this floral fabric by Doodlefish (Duralee "Layla"). Now I am on the hunt for some coordinating fabric!
I also purchased this iron chandelier by Bethel. A chandelier is not on the short list of necessary nursery must-haves, but I couldn’t resist!