Hi, Its me Addi!
The look on my face says it all. This Baby Wise gig my Mommy and Daddy have going is for the birds. Its really created a very unfortunate situation for me. I have to sleep all alone in my crib...All.The.Live.Long.Day.
No more only sleeping snuggled on their chest for hours on end. Ahhh...those were the good ole days. You know... I really had a good thing goin'. Mommy and Daddy say its only because they love me...blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, I'm really trying to be good and sleep when no one is holding me during the day. I think I have made real progress. And last night, I slept almost 5 hours straight without so much as a peep.
But hey...if anyone out there would like to come to NC and hold me all day, I'm all yours!