Addi girl went to her new pediatrician for her twelve month check-up on Friday. I was shocked when the doc told me that she had a severe ear infection. Boy did I feel like I deserved the "Worst Mom of the Year" award. Poor baby has not acted sick for one minute! Apparently she has had this ear infection for two months and two rounds of antibiotics haven't seemed to cure it. Hopefully the third antibiotic will clear things up and she won't have to get tubes:(

So, how did Addison measure up this month?:
22 pounds and 9 ounces (75th percentile); 31 1/2 inches tall (99th percentile)

This afternoon I was filling in her baby book and I thought I would share some of the things she is doing these days...
Blows kisses
"Pat, Pats" Momma and Daddy
Throws/Rolls a ball
Knocks on the door
Can identify eyes, nose, hair, mouth, hands and feet
Holds up index finger when you ask her how old she is
Can walk and run well
Blows on her food when it is hot
Shares her paci and other toys
Can say about 15 words
Helps unload the dishwasher by handing me the spoons and forks
Gives her babydoll and puppy a bottle and rocks them
Waves and says "Hey!" to anybody we see while we are out and about
Pretends to read her books
Can identify farm animals in books
When asked, "Addi are you a stinker?" She shakes her head no really big
Can identify family members in photos

lima beans, blackeyed peas, cheese, oranges and blueberry yogurt
"Hop on Pop" and "To Market to Market"
Her babydoll and puppy
Her paci
Fisher Price Little People farm animals
Singing and dancing
Any animal - especially dogs
the vacuum cleaner
singing cards
the hair dryer
brushing her teeth