Hi Folks! Its been awhile hasn't it? I have two months worth of tales to tell and pictures to post so stick around!
The month of October was full of fun Halloween activites for sweet Addi Girl. We kicked off the festivities with a church preschool playdate at the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Factory. All the children arrived wearing happy costumes and ready to eat their share of the sugary sweetness. Addi was no exception and devowered her doughnut and mine too.
Once all the kiddos were riding a sugar high, we headed over to the park to run off some energy. Since we have been back in Alabama, we have enjoyed our new church so much. Brad and I love our Sunday School class and have made some great new friends. Most couples in the class have children the same age as Addison that make perfect playmates.
As you can see, Addison was a cowgirl for Halloween. Those red boots make me giggle and she is sooo proud of them. She is always thrilled to put them on because she gets to wear boots like her beloved Uncle Trey:)

Addison's little friend, Price, was a cowboy for Halloween. His mom and I couldn't have planned it any better if we tried. They made the perfect pair!

The playdate was a hit and Addison wasn't ready for the fun to end. Can you tell why my nickname for her is Little Sassy?